What are the top 5 deadliest spiders in the world?
The Brazilian wandering spider(armed spiders) and known as a banana spider is from the Central and South of America and is known as the worlds most venomous spider, Sydney funnel web spider is another deadly spider and it is found in New South Wales. The bite of this spider can cause serious injury or can even kill.The black widow spider is another deadly spider that can be found in United States, Canada, Mexico, West Indies and South America.Brown recluse spider is another deadly spider, which is also known as a violin spider because of a violin shaped patch on its body, almost like a heart and can be found in the United States.Last is the Red back spider which can be found in India, Indonesia, Philippines, New Caledonia,Australia and even New Zealand but they aren't that deadly. They are called red back spiders because of the red patch on their back.
There are many dangerous spiders in the world, some are more of deadly than others.